
FINOVA is an instrument that aims to achieve the objectives set out in SAFPRI. The program was established under the National Strategic Reference Framework (QREN), whose financing entities are the COMPETE and Programas Operacionais Regionais de Lisboa e Algarve, with the aim of boosting the spread of financial instruments that provide better financing conditions for Portuguese SMEs.

Dst group originally started in the construction sector and is a national reference in the area. Now dst group expanded and operates in five business areas including water and wastewater industry, as well as to telecommunications, renewable energies and ventures, in which it intends to extend its national and international investments.

PKM hold as a strong portfolio of IT companies including Hydra iT that wan the prize of partner of the year by Microsoft in the WPC – World Partner Conference 2012. Moreover it has a significant relevance in the national telecommunications and radio areas.

2bpartner is a venture capital and private equity firm created in 2007 by AIminho, several companies and individual investors. In the end of 2011 the fund Minho Inovação e Internacionalização was created with the aim to support entrepreneurs with innovative ideas to grow their businesses. In 2012 the dst group acquired the majority of 2bpartner’s capital and is currently looking for successful projects.